Our competitive training programs are designed with significant input from the Athletics Canada Long Term Athletic Development (LTAD) model. All of the methods used to train our young athletes are age appropriate, their safety and long term participation in sport is one of our main goals.
Young athletes are not simply small adults and, therefore, their athletic development can not be a scaled back version of an adult program. The LTAD model provides the framework for an optimal training, competition and recovery schedule for each stage of athletic development. The use of this model and its practices provide our kids with the opportunity to reach their full athletic potential.
CTAC’s programs focus on introducing young athletes to the sport of competitive middle distance and cross-country racing in a team based, fun atmosphere. These programs emphasize sound movement and running mechanics as well as an introduction to body weight strength training. Our goal in this program is to teach key fundamental running skills, creating a foundation that will allow each individual to reach his or her full potential in the future.
As athletes progress through our programs their training frequency and loads are increased, and emphasis broadens to include a more comprehensive training structure. At this stage the athletes are provided with a more unique, individualized, innovative program that is designed and implemented our experienced coaches.
We believe that success in athletics comes from hard work, commitment and enthusiasm. If these ingredients are combined with a well-planned long-term program, and the guidance of a skilled coach, we believe that every athlete has the opportunity to reach their full potential. Our goal is to create a supportive environment that will develop healthy and happy athletes who gain both mentally and physically from their running experience.
Our competitive programs are grouped by age to allow athletes to socialize with their peers, which we consider an important element in any successful sport program. However, as per the LTAD model we understand that the development of one athlete may be more advanced than another athlete of the same age, and our coaches make training adjustments to facilitate this.